Terms & Conditions

User License Agreement

This is a legal agreement between a user (either a natural person or a legal entity) referred to as the "User" and LegalBank under the Khmer Mekong Law Group, known as the "LegalBank". This software is called LegalBank and all the files and materials contained herein are called " SOFTWARE" or "DOCUMENTS". Installing, launching, registering, logging in, or using all or part of this software constitutes your consent to all terms and conditions of the User License Agreement.   This is here called "ULA" and this Agreement is equivalent to a written agreement signed by you personally. By clicking the "I agree" box or performing a similar electronic function, such as signing up for a free trial or purchasing this product, you are giving your consent to the terms of this agreement. This Agreement is applicable to you and any legal entity that receives the Software and any person accessing it on your behalf. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not use this software.

Any distribution, distribution, offering for sale of licenses or licenses, resuming the provision or disclosure of this software or the original documents or copies of digital forms or other media is illegal and is strictly prohibited unless The following are specifically allowed.

Use of this software is governed by the terms set forth here and read carefully. This ULA is applicable to all documents, including applications, and their implications. You are deemed to have read, understood, and accepted the terms of this ULA when you install or use the Software.

1. Payment Terms

LegalBank is sold as Software of Services (SOS) and requires customers to "subscribe" for a valid membership. We accept payments using Visa and Mastercard credit cards. Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of the subscription period unless you opt out of automatic renewal or terminate your membership. You can update your payment method, manage your subscriptions or cancel at any time by going to the Billing Page under your user account. Even if you have canceled your subscription, your subscription is still valid until the expiration of your Initial Subscription Package and you are still obligated to pay in full amount, it means that you can still access the LegalBank until the expiration date of your Subscription Package. By purchasing this app, you agree to sign up for our automatic renewal service. So save your product and keep running and it will automatically make the payment.

1. A. Payment options

Payment is determined by the following two options:

1. A.1. Monthly payment: Users can choose to pay monthly by agreeing to accept the full monthly price according to the price of your subscription package. Users must make a monthly payment for 1 full year (equivalent to 12 months) on each day of the date you subscribed. In the event that you do not make a monthly payment, the user agrees to have LegalBank suspend your account and has the right to file a lawsuit. In this case, the user will be responsible for all court costs and attorney fees, unless the user cancels their subscription as stated in point 1 (payment terms) above. In this option, some users' rights are restricted, such as:

1. A.2. Annual payment: Users can choose the annual payment by getting a special discount according to the price of your subscription package. In this case, the provisions of point 1 (terms of payment) above shall apply.

1. B. Account liquidation Policy

When a user submits a solicitation request, there will be no additional charge. However, there is no refund when dissolved. If you cancel before the next date you will be able to access your account until the end of the current year.

1. C. Automatic Cancellation Renewal

Annual subscriptions purchased through LegalBank will automatically renew at the end of the term. Your credit card is charged at the end of each subscription period, and renewal confirmation notifications are sent to the account manager's email address. Upcoming renewal notices are sent to the account administrator's email address 21 (twenty-one) days prior to renewal. If you wish to disable auto-renewal you can do so at any time from your under My Account / Billing.

1. D. Free Trial

LegalBank offers a free trial version (prototype) for first-time users. We do not ask for credit card information when registering for a free trial. The free trial allows anyone to see a preview of each sample of the app. However, the free trial does not allow you to download, export, print or cut/copy/paste/save the template (Cut / Copy / Paste / Save). You need to buy and activate the program to be able to download and use the full version editor.

1. E. Unsuccessful renewal and suspension of Account

If your credit card is closed or expired or if for any reason the payment is declined, you will be asked to update your billing information and make a payment. Money again to keep your account running. If payment is declined, access to your LegalBank application will be suspended until you update your account information and payment is successful.

2. Limited License

You are granted a license to install limited and non-exclusive software on a personal computer or access the Internet using a personal user account or provide access to a third-party computer that does not purchase the software. Available via live or internet or other means. Only individuals who have installed the software or created a user account as indicated by the user information provided to LegalBank have access to the file. Use by any other person, such as a subsidiary, corporation, limited liability company, guardian, or other separate entity, will require a separate license. The licenses provided herein will remain valid for the duration of your subscription but will terminate when the use of your application exceeds the scope of the license or is in violation of any of your terms herein. This.

3. Proprietary Rights

LegalBank and its suppliers retain all proprietary and intellectual property rights in the software, including - but not limited to, all supporting documents, marketing materials, multimedia images, and apps. This program is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and by international treaties. Software may include security measures designed to control access and prevent unauthorized copying and use. You agree not to interfere with any security software. LegalBank allows you to download, install, use or otherwise benefit from the functionality or intellectual property of the Software only in accordance with the terms of this ULA. Use of other materials included in the Software may be subject to the terms and conditions normally provided by that Party's personal license agreement.

4. Confidentiality

Each party agrees that it will not disclose to any third party any information relating to customers, trade secrets, procedures, procedures or procedures or confidential or financial or business information of the other party that they know of. During the implementation of this ULA without the prior written consent of the other party. This obligation will guarantee the cancellation or termination of the ULA. The program has business secrets and business regimes that belong to LegalBank and it allows you to have full confidence. Any use or disclosure of the program or its algorithms, protocols or interactions, strict compliance with this ULA may be sued as a violation of LegalBank trade secrets.

5. Unauthorized

You may not lease, resell, extend, or transfer your rights in the Software or allow any part of the Software to be copied to another person's computer or legal entity.

6. Authorized Use

When fulfilling your obligation to properly install and register software or obtain the correct software license code, you are only permitted to do the following:

- Use of the transaction documents and agreements. That you are one side. You may have your attorney review and revise the documents to suit your specific needs. You are encouraged to seek competent legal advice to guide you through the use of the documents and/or contractual relationships you are developing.

 and the contractual relationship you are accessing.

- If you are a lawyer, you can edit documents and use them only to prepare documents for clients as soon as you have a lawyer-client relationship. A lawyer's license is for an individual's attorney only. So only you can use the file. Lawyers or other associates in your company cannot use the documents, they have to get a license for themselves.

- If you have a license to use a free sample of the software to transmit a digital version of any document, the recipient must also have a license to use the software. If the other party is not licensed, you are encouraged to send a link to them to download the application. These parties and your attorney may modify and request the exchange of documents as part of the normal negotiation process or as part of your representative in an honest client and client relationship.

Present any final document that reflects the total transactions or agreements already implemented to the SEC (or other security regulatory agency) that is required as part of a security law document and to other government agencies. Part of the required documents.

Display or post online as part of your website or online property for your own use, only documents that are meant for public display or use on the Website, such as online licenses, privacy statements, agreements, affiliate programs, agreements Connect, and anything else similar.

Include in the packaging and delivery of your product or in your product documentation, documents intended for distribution through software or other distributed products.

- You can make another copy of the original media you received from the program for backup purposes or archive only. You can not copy this program. You agree that any copy of the Software you have copied in accordance with this ULA will be subject to notice of copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices contained therein by LegalBank unless expressly permitted. Here you may not distribute the same to any third party without the prior written consent of LegalBank.

7. Distribution

You may not remove or remove any file and distribute it by any means except as expressly permitted by the "Authorized Uses" set forth in Section 5. Only the full distribution of the Software is permitted by LegalBank with your prior written consent (through your participation in any of the LegalBank Affiliate Programs), and all trademarks and proprietary notices. Permissions remain in the application.

8. Restrictions

You may not:

- (i) modify or create any copy of any program or document, including any customization, modification or improvement, translation or localization, without the prior written consent of LegalBank.

- (ii) break down, create or attempt to download the source code of a program or basic concept or algorithm of a program.

- (iii) Attempts to gain unauthorized access to the LegalBank host system or any other service, account, computer system, or network associated with the Software or with LegalBank or its affiliates, affiliates, agents, and LegalBank customers.

- (iv) delete or change trademarks, logos, copyrights or other proprietary notices or logos in the application.

- (v) disable or disable other advertisements, banners, links to websites, and other services or features that are part of the program.

- (vi) Integrate or integrate into any part of any program or product.

- (vii) Provide false information when registering for the program.

- (viii) digitalize or make available the application or its content through local networks, intranets, extranets, FTP, online forums, service lists, peer or technology networks, bulletin boards, or other images; Of a common communication system or put software on the server so that it can be accessed through a public network such as the Internet.

- (ix) use the Software in any way that violates this ULA or any law, Or authorize or assist any third party to perform any of the tasks described in this section.

- (x) Use robots or any automated method to download all files.

9. Publicity

You may not refer to the existence of this ULA in press releases, websites, advertisements, or materials that are publicly distributed or accessible without the prior written consent of LegalBank.

10. Additional Features and Content

Some parts of the app may be disabled or not available in the free sample. To install the software version or use additional content and features, you must (i) install or register for the free version, (ii) provide valid registration information, and (iii) pay a fee to obtain the correct software license code. All software license holders must abide by the terms of this ULA.

11. Software License Code

Some features or content of the software may require the purchase of a software license code. You agree not to attempt and control, disable, modify or delete any component of the Software License Code Protection System. You also agree not to attempt to access, copy, share or distribute the license code for any purpose.

12. Software updates the Software

Software is configured to check for updates automatically. By using the Software, you agree to receive software updates, modifications, and/or fixes that address issues such as security, interoperability, and performance. Your use of the update will be governed by this ULA unless you are asked to agree to the new ULA when downloading or installing the software.

13. Privacy

Software Improvement Project: By participating in a software improvement project, you allow LegalBank to collect anonymous information related to your application usages, such as how often you use your application and some features and information about errors that occur during use. Your application. This anonymous usage data will be used to diagnose performance issues and improve the reliability of the application and its functionality. This data will not be linked to any personally identifiable information.

-   Personal information: During the installation process or at a later time you may be asked to provide specific information that will be used to identify specific documents, send you LegalBank information via email or mail and edit Some information presented to you through the app. For example, you may be asked for your state/province/country code that the app can use to provide you with relevant local documents and/or related products. All personal information and invoices are transmitted using a secure SSL protocol. Both personal and non-personal information collected by the Software are protected in accordance with the highest internationally accepted privacy and data protection standards and will not be shared or provided without Agree with you as described in our Privacy Policy (at www.legalbank.com/company/privacy-policy/).

14. Limitation of Liability

Except as required by law, LegalBank and its employees, directors, licensors, distributors and their agents shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with. Any means related to this ULA or the use or inability to use the Software, including indefinite damages for loss of will, layoffs, loss of profits, loss of data and computer problems, or malfunctions, even if possible Of such damages and regardless of the theory (contract, torture or other) on which such claim is based. LegalBank liability under this ULA is limited to program replacements and does not exceed five dollars (us $ 5.00).

15. Disclaimer Guarantee

You accepts the "Like" application and with all errors (if any). LEGALBANK disclaims any warranty, implied or implied, including, but not limited to, the warranty of sale for a particular purpose. LEGALBANK MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION REGARDING THE CONTENTS OF THE DOCUMENTS AND THE USE OF YOUR DOCUMENTS OR THE FITNESS OF THE DOCUMENTS TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENT. The documentation is detailed but general in form. There are applicable laws in your state/province/country that need to be addressed in any final document. You are strongly encouraged to seek legal advice to review the documents you create using the software and to Advise you on any transaction you wish to participate in.

LegalBank makes no warranty regarding the documents described above and therefore there should be no reason for you to bring any complaint against LegalBank. However, if you take action, claim, sue, threaten or claim against LegalBank and you do not win, you must pay the attorney's fees and all costs of LegalBank involved in the lawsuit. . In the same way, if LegalBank is forced to take legal action to enforce this ULA or any rights described herein or under any state or federal law, you will pay LegalBank attorneys' fees and costs.

16. ULA

LegalBank infringes all of the above rights that are not specifically reserved for you. LegalBank will continue to sue you in the event that you violate the rights of LegalBank. Any use that does not fall within the scope of the license set forth herein shall be deemed to be a violation. You acknowledge and agree that LegalBank's damages in the event of your breach of ULA will be substantial and that LegalBank will be subject to irreparable harm in such an event. As such, LegalBank has the right to an equitable settlement, including but not limited to restoration of damages, obtaining warrants, restoration of legal damages, restoration of attorney fees, and other legal remedies that Yes.

17. Termination

LegalBank reserves the right to terminate this EULA immediately and suspend your license to use the Software if you fail to perform any of the obligations required under this ULA to engage in activities that LegalBank deems dangerous to you. Its or if you go bankrupt. This ULA influences your software installation and remains effective until completion. Upon completion of this ULA by LegalBank, you must return to LegalBank all originals and copies of the Software and Documents, including copies and revisions.


to any breach of this ULA will not constitute an amendment to this ULA or LegalBank for any subsequent breach. If any part of this ULA is found to be null and void, it will not affect the validity of this ULA, which will remain valid and applicable to its respective terms.

19. Rights are restricted for the entire use of the Government

LegalBank, such as applications, documents or other information downloaded through the LegalBank Website, the Affiliate Website and the Download Website for or on behalf of the Kingdom of Cambodia, its agents and/or tools. It (the "Government of Cambodia"), is provided with limited rights. The use of copying or disclosure by the Government of Cambodia is subject to the provisions set out in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the rights to the technical data and computer software of DFARS 252.227-7013 or sub-paragraph ( c) (1) and (2) of commercial software - the rights are limited to 48 CFR 52.227-19 as applicable.

20. Electronic Notification

You agrees that LegalBank may provide you with information and notifications regarding the application and LegalBank via the email address you provide at the time of application installation or at a later date. LegalBank may notify you via (i) e-mail if you have provided LegalBank with a valid e-mail address or (ii) by posting the notice on the LegalBank website or the download site for which LegalBank manages and operates. You may revoke your consent to electronic notifications.

21. Amendments

We reserves the right to unilaterally modify offers, terms, prices, or other matters relating to the LegalBank or ULA Website Program. No terms of exchange or commercial use will be deemed to be an amendment to the terms of this ULA.

22. The Governing Law

Parties agree to any claim or claim on any basis relating to this ULA to select the court of Siem Reap, Cambodia as the sole venue for the hearing of the claim or appeal. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

23. Entire Agreement

This is the entire ULA between LegalBank and its affiliates, and it represents a representation, discussion, assurance, communication, or prior advertisement relating to the Software.

24.questions or comments

Please contact:


# 134, Sok San Rd, Svay Dangkum village,

 Svay Dangkum commune, Siem Reap,


LegalBank is a registered trademark or trademark of LegalBank in the Kingdom of Cambodia or other countries.

Al LegalBank Co., Ltd - Last modified: January 05, 2023.